That time when your baby smiles back at you is unforgettable. At around 8 weeks your babe will be able to smile at you with purpose, usually following a big smile from you. Desmond started doing this at 6 weeks and it only gets cuter. He follows a smile with a wide open gum bearing "silent laugh" - pretty much what I think would be a laugh. This is a good time to start making different faces and watching the amusement and delightful feedback from your little one.
There are different stages of alertness that your baby shows. The quiet alert state is when your baby is awake and you guessed it - quiet! He or she may stare at you with wide eyes and be able to hold eye contact. This is a great time to make faces. Try sticking your tongue out for 10 seconds at a time. Watch as your baby shifts his/her glance down towards your mouth and tries to work his/her tongue! Don't worry if it doesn't happen right away, just try 10 second bursts of some tongue action and sooner or later your baby will mimick you. Also try making your mouth into an "O" shape or making kissy faces. These are also fascinating expressions for babies! As they grow older, your facial expressions will get lots of smiles in response and even squeals of delight. Take advantage of all of the quiet alert times and watch your baby hit the cutest milestones! :)