Sunday, October 5, 2014


Ladies. Do yourselves a favor and take one day a month (if possible) to have a day to yourself. Give your hubby the bottles and diapers and run screaming to the nearest salon, nail shop, starbucks, mall, gym... basically anywhere where it's a complete pain in the ass to take a kid. Stay at these places as long as possible and bask in all the glory that carrying one purse has to offer. Scroll through facebook for an hour, plug into some music, call your girlfriends, or just sit in absolute silence and speak to nobody. Do everything opposite of what you do on a daily basis taking care of your little one. This is so important for your sanity. If you're broke - which you probably are - take a few hours and go for a walk, a drive, window shop, hang out with some friends, grab a coffee or a lunch date with someone and just have some normal adult conversions. I love my son, but I'm a better mom, girlfriend, daughter, and human being when I've had some R&R. My fiance and I plan to take one day a month each where we spend an entire day out of the house. Long story short: take a load off. However and whenever you can.

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